How To Get Followers on Pinterest?

With more than 400 million users, it’s hard to get followers on Pinterest. Don’t worry! In this blog post, you will learn new tactics and discover the hidden features of Pinterest to get more followers on Pinterest. A huge number of followers on Pinterest does matter because it serves more as a search engine than a social media app.

Even experts call it Free Marketing to advertise your product or service. In short, Pinterest proves to be the game changer in the arena of the digital world for bloggers, e-commerce stores, entrepreneurs, and business owners who are looking for potential sales of their products or want to bring traffic to their websites. So are you ready to get followers on Pinterest?

The Effective Ways to Get Followers on Pinterest

Like other platforms your product or service appears on someone’s timeline is normal but in a visual search bar like Pinterest isn’t normal, it’s a whole different game. Below are some of the effective ways how to get more followers on Pinterest by using the different techniques of Pinterest.

Create a Business Account

Creating a Pinterest business account is the first step in standing out. A business account will give you a lot of access to more advanced tools and features such as Pins Performance, Pinterest analytics, and insight into your business to give you a better view of your digital business. If you have an existing account you can also turn it into a business account.

Optimization of Pinterest Profile and Bio

Pinners search for the username and bio. Ensure that your username and bio are searchable. The best thing to do is to create a username that is somehow relatable to your niche. When pinners search for the same niche your account will be visible to them. Optimization of username and bio makes your account more visible to the pinners.

When someone adds a keyword in the search bar of Pinterest that is related to your niche your profile and niche will also land on their timelines.

Join relevant Group Boards

Group boards have a large number of the audience. Open Pinterest boards and search for an aligned board within your niche. Once you search the relevant board send them a request to join and start sharing your pins within board groups without looking spammy.

This approach will not only broaden your exposure but also allow you to share your pins with a large audience and have a high possibility of pinners following you or visiting your site from Pinterest.

Text in a Pin

Include the text in your pins to make your pins more visible, accessible, and self-explanatory. As we have mentioned earlier Pinterest acts as a search engine rather than a social media app. Make sure to add the potential keywords that pinners are searching because the text in pins is also searchable.

Relevant Topic Tags

To categorize your content and pins on Pinterest you need to tag the relevant keywords and Topics. Pinterest is no longer promoting and categorizing the pins based on the hashtag. You need to tag the relevant topic and keywords to make your content go viral and have a higher number of viewers and impressions on your pins.

Buy Pinterest Followers For Quick Visibility

If you have low visibility on Pinterest and want to increase your followers on Pinterest instantly you can also buy Pinterest followers for a quick and instant boost to your profile. Boosting your profile organically can be a tiring and long process. Buy the followers from the reputable and trustworthy source.


As a visual-sharing platform, it’s better to post infographics with your pins. Infographics are the perfect way to post written, visual, and mix of data making your pins extremely sharable and attractive.

Infographics do well on the platform as it is a sharable and visual platform with the ability to show long and vertical images. Educating your audience through sharing vertical images and creating custom-branded infographics will also increase the credibility and reliability of your audience.

Keywords In Board Name

It’s important to add the keywords and hashtags as Pinterest users usually get the brand by searching the name and keywords on Pinterest. By adding highly searchable keywords to your pins and board you can easily land on the Pinterest user’s timeline if you use the keywords in your board name and pin description.

When writing the description of the pin try to be as compact to the point and specific as possible because this will meet the user intent. This approach will increase the chances that you will meet the user intent and they will follow you.

Pinterest Trend

Those who are using the Pinterest business account have access to the tool called Pinterest Trends which shows the keywords and trending topics with your align niche. Make full use of Pinterest trends to get insight into the Pinterest trends and see what people are searching for and what specific keywords are they using.

Scheduling Pins

Pinterest is often used for planning, so schedule the pins in advance at the same time. This approach will help you post consistently as you don’t need to post pins again and again. Pinterest allows creators and business owners to schedule their pins so they can post them consistently even if they get busy.

Most of the time the creators and business owners plan their content for the next three to four months which helps them in higher conversion rates and getting followers on Pinterest organically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is gaining followers on Pinterest so important?

Having large numbers of followers on Pinterest means there will be a high chance of higher visibility and reach. A higher number of followers on Pinterest can significantly boost the visibility of your niche and the possibility that your niche will be found by more users because Pinterest acts as a search engine, not a social media app.

What are some of the ways through which I can gain followers?

You can gain followers on Pinterest through different steps creating a Pinterest business account, making sure that your bio and username are aligned with your niche, including the text in your pins, and joining the relevant board groups that match your niche will help you in getting more followers on Pinterest and bring the conversion rate to your website.

Is it important to use Pinterest trends to get followers on Pinterest?

Yes, it’s important to use Pinterest trends to get followers on Pinterest because it will give you access to recent trends and high-volume keywords that will land your niche on the top of the pinner’s timeline. This information will give you access to design your content accordingly.

Is buying followers on Pinterest a quick and legal way to boost visibility?

If you buy the followers from a trustworthy and authentic site such as BoostHill you will have an instant result in your Pinterest account. You can buy followers to instantly boost your visibility on Pinterest.


In final thoughts, the number of people following you on Pinterest is important to maximize your success and presence on Pinterest. You can easily increase your followers by following the tips and tricks mentioned above in the blog post by optimizing your profile, joining group boards, and using the text in pins.

Keep in mind that you need to have a greater engagement level than your competitors because that will give you credibility and authenticity of your niche. People usually ask for the price or a link to your site.

With commitment and consistency, you might create the most engaging community by being the original content creator and posting on pins regularly.

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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