What Is Tagging On Facebook?

A tag is a special kind of link on Facebook. Tagging someone on Facebook means you are creating a particular type of link to their account. We tag people because we want them to see the posts, photos, or comments. When we tag someone on Facebook, they will be notified, and their name will appear as a link in your post or comment. Sometimes, when we take photos with our friends and want to share them on Facebook, we tag our friends. In this informational blog post, we have discussed everything you need to learn about tagging.

Why Do People Tag Other People On Facebook?

People tag other people on Facebook for different reasons. Sometimes, people want to give credit to others in their photos or videos. So, they tag them in their posts. In addition, sometimes, we see informational posts, and we want our friends to read them; for this purpose, we tag them. Furthermore, when we want to promote someone’s business on our profile, we tag them in that post. Lastly, sometimes, we want to get the attention of a specific person or group of people, so we tag them.

How Can We Tag Someone On Facebook?

If you want to tag someone on Facebook in your post, then you can do it by applying the following steps:

  1. Open your Facebook and tap “What’s on your mind?”
  2. Now, write something you want, and you can also add your pictures or videos.
  3. Below the photos/videos option, you will see “Tag friends.”
  4. Tap on tag friend, and then search for the profile name of the friend you want to tag.
  5. Tick the box in front of his name, and then tap done.

If you want to tag someone in the post only, then you can do it by following these steps:

  1. Tap on “What’s on your mind?”
  2. Start writing what you want to write.
  3. When you want to tag your friend in the middle of writing, start typing his name.
  4. His name appears below.
  5. Tap on his name.

If you want to tag your friend in a comment on someone else’s post, you can do it by applying the following steps:

  1. Open Facebook and go to the post where you want to hide your friend.
  2. Tap on the comment section.
  3. Start typing your friend’s profile name in the comment box.
  4. His name will appear on your screen. You can tag him by tapping on his name.


Who can I tag on Facebook?

You can only tag your friends on Facebook. In addition, you can also tag pages that you are a member of. Remember, though, that even if you follow someone, you cannot tag someone who is not your friend.

Can I tag people in Facebook groups?

Yes, Facebook allows users to tag people in Facebook groups. To do this, start typing their name in a post or comment within the group.

Can I tag my friends in Facebook live videos?

Yes, you can tag your friends in Facebook live videos. Go to the comment section of the video. Then type @. You will see a list of your friend’s names. Select the one you want to hide.

Can I prevent other users from tagging me?

Yes, you can prevent your friends on Facebook from tagging you. Go to “ Settings and Privacy,” then tap on “Privacy,” then tap on Profile and Tagging. Under the Tag Review section, select Only Me.


After reading this article, you should now have a much better understanding of how to tag people on Facebook. By understanding how to tag people effectively and how to manage your tagging privacy settings, you can use tagging to your advantage. Whenever you want to tag someone, make sure you tag them in relevant posts and comments. Get permission from someone before you tag them in photos or videos, and be respectful of other people’s privacy.

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

Articles: 104