How do I donate money on Twitch?

Donating to your favorite Twitch streamer can be one of the easiest ways to help out. But it isn’t always easy to do so! If you’re planning on donating money to streamers on Twitch (or other streaming sites). You’ll want to make sure you have the option to donate money before you start watching. Follow this guide on how to donate money on Twitch, and you’ll be helping out streamers and their causes in no time.

What is Twitch

Twitch is a video platform and community for gamers where more than 100 million gather every month to broadcast, watch and talk about video games. Twitch’s video platform is used by more than 60% of top esports tournaments worldwide. And broadcasters can also make money from subscriptions, game sales, and donations. The company’s partners include Sony, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. Forbes reports that streamers on Twitch were averaging $1 million in annual revenue two years ago. This year it’s estimated to reach $2.4 million on average!

Every day, millions of people come together on Twitch to share their passion for gaming with each other. It is through these connections that amazing things happen. Like moments as big as an eSports tournament win or as small as finding a new friend to play your favorite game with — it’s these moments that we live for at Twitch. On the other hand, if you want to donate money. But you did not know how you do it? To donate money on Twitch, follow these steps.

Log in to your PayPal account

One way to donate money on Twitch is to link your PayPal account to your account. To do so, log in to your PayPal account and click on Linked Accounts at the top of your profile page. Once you do that, log in to your Twitch account, head over to its page and click on Connections at the left-hand menu bar. Then you can choose how much you want to donate and who it will go to on your Profile tab. Click Donations next to Payments Received on your Overview page. From here, you should be able to donate money directly from your Paypal balance or any credit cards associated with that account.

Add your username in the Recipient name

After linking the PayPal account, you need to add your name. If you do not want to use your name, you can send a message or Donate via email. By doing so, you will get a notification on PayPal. That’s how it works! To make things easier, people prefer to donate with their username even if they are not using it as their actual nickname when talking in the chatbox. The reason behind this is unknown. But people feel easier if they see their usernames in the donations list rather than anonymous names and numbers.

If you are using a linked bank account. There is no option of adding a username anywhere, and money goes directly into your linked bank account with no notifications whatsoever. However, if anyone sends any donations to you on PayPal. They will send a notification email to that person if they forget that they sent money to someone.

Type in amount

It’s as easy as typing in an amount, and it can be any amount. Clicking on it will then show you your available payment methods. You can also use your Amazon account to send money through PayPal. This process is exactly like sending someone else money for whatever reason, including gifting it to another Twitch user. Just make sure you have enough balance in your account for both receiving and sending funds before going ahead with either option!

Related: How Much Does Twitch Take from the Donations?

Click Send money

The last step is sending your donation to whatever streamer you’ve decided to support. Your options are slightly different if you’re using Paypal or Twitch Prime. But in both cases, you’ll need to have funds available in your account. After selecting an amount (or scrolling through a list of options if you’re using Prime), just click Send, and you’re done!

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Lyra Wilson
Lyra Wilson

Hey, I'm Lyra Wilson. I'm a digital marketer and a writer with the concept of "Content is King". I love to talk about the digital transformation of businesses and how the advertising world has upgraded from conventional methods to digital platforms. I'm here to solve common problems that content creators face on different platforms.

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