How To Change YouTube Channel Name?

In the ever-evolving world of YouTube, where creativity reigns supreme, your channel name stands for your unique identity. The name you selected for your channel might not represent your brand correctly as you have grown on the platform. Changing the YouTube channel name is not an easy decision to make. You will have to adapt to the new persona. You could also end up with losing your subscribers.

Conversely, a new channel name may give your online presence a fresh start and help you reach new audiences. There are both pros and cons to changing the YouTube channel name. Below you will find a comprehensive discussion on everything you need to know about changing the name of your YouTube channel.

Is The Youtube Channel Name Different From The Youtube Handle?

Yes, a YouTube channel name is different from a YouTube handle name. The YouTube channel name appears on the top of your page as well as in search results. This name is also used in the URL of your channel. In comparison, a YouTube handle is a unique identifier used to mention your channel in the comments, etc.

How do you change the name of your YouTube channel?

  1. First, open your search engine browser on your laptop or PC.
  2. Now, search for
  3. Once the YouTube site opens, you will see your channel profile picture at the top-right.
  4. Click on it, then tap “YouTube Studio.”
  5. On the left side of the screen, scroll down a bit and then tap “Customization.”
  6. Now, search for the option “Basic Info” below “Channel Customization.”
  7. Tap on the pen icon in front of your channel name.
  8. Give your channel a new name.
  9. Then tap “Publish” in the right-bottom corner.

That’s how you change your channel name.

Will My Verification Badge Disappear If I Change My Channel Name?

You may be curious as to how a channel name change will affect your verification badge. Will it disappear or remain with the new name I selected for my channel?

The verification badge will no longer be displayed next to your name if you decide to change the name of your YouTube channel. It will disappear. You will have to pass through the verification stages once again.

After How Many Days I Can Change My YouTube Channel Name?

You should be aware that YouTube allows you to change the name of your channel three times every ninety days before you make any changes to your channel’s name. If you change your channel name thrice within 90 days, you must wait 90 days to change it again. It is because YouTube wants to prevent the owner from changing the channel name too frequently, which can confuse viewers and make it difficult for them to find their channel name.

If you want to change your channel name over three times within 90 days, you must request YouTube customer service. It is less likely that they will grant you this option; however, they can grant it in exceptional circumstances, such as when your channel has been hacked. Therefore, it is suggested not to change your channel name too frequently.

Will I Lose Subscribers If I Change My YouTube Channel Name?

Nothing official suggests that changing your channel name will lead to losing subscribers. Changing your channel name, though, might cause you to lose subscribers. It is because changing your YouTube channel name may be disruptive for some viewers, especially if they are used to your old channel name. To be on the safe side, before changing your channel name, you should make a video and inform your subscribers that you are going to change the name of your channel and also share the new name of your channel with them.


Can I change my YouTube channel name to my old one?

Yes, YouTube allows users to change their channel name to the old one. But remember, you are limited to three name changes per 90 days for your channel.

How long will it take for my new YouTube channel name to appear in search results?

Usually, it takes 24-48 hours for your new YouTube channel name to be indexed and appear in search results. In some instances, indexing may take up to 72 hours.

Will my YouTube channel URL also be changed if I change my channel name?

Absolutely not! Changing the name of your YouTube channel will have no effect on the URL. Your channel URL is a unique identifier for your channel that is separate from your channel name.

What happens to my YouTube videos and playlists when I change my channel name?

Changing your YouTube channel name does not affect your channel videos or playlist. They will still be associated with your channel.

Summing Up

Before changing your YouTube channel name, research the new name properly. Also, analyze whether the new name properly represents your brand or niche. Taking suggestions from your subscribers regarding your new name for the channel is also a good idea. Changing a name for your channel is not an easy decision to make. However, a new name might breathe fresh air into your channel and increase your chances of reaching more people. Whether you should change your channel name or not ultimately depends on you.

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Michael Helly
Michael Helly

Hi, I’m Michael Helly. My journey began in 2015 when I was crazy about video games and turned my passion into a profession. Initially, I wrote about tricks and techniques that were useful for beginners and professional gamers.
Now, the time has changed, people are more towards live streaming and I’m mainly focused on streaming-related blog articles. My major concern is to solve the everyday problems that a streamer has to face while streaming on twitch.

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